Losing weight is not easy. However, you should love the way you are and feel confident in your body.
But nonetheless, there are several factors that come with obesity. You can either have diabetes or your heart can be at risk.
Thankfully, there are several ways to lose weight. The internet is filled with tips and videos on how to do so.
Shedding some extra pounds of stubborn fat can be really tough. But here is some inspiration to get you going.
Today, we are going to talk about the journey of Sara Rue’s weight loss. She is one such woman who made it possible even in her 30s.
So, let’s find out how she actually did it.
Who is Sara Rue?

Sara Rue is an American actress. She is a very popular face on the television screen and is known for many roles. She played Carmen Fererra in Popular and Claude Casey in Less Than Perfect. Sara also hosted a live reality show in 2011.
She is the daughter of Joan Schlackman, an actress and municipal employee. Sarah is Jewish and was raised in New York. She first appeared on the TV screen when she was nine. Her first break was in 1988 in the film Rocket Gibraltar.
Sara is currently playing Dora in Impostor of TV Land. But we are not here to discuss her acting career. We are here to talk a little about her personal life.
Sara has long been involved with shaping up herself. Sara has been on her weight loss journey for a few years now, and she reveals that she has been able to lose at least 50 pounds as of now.
She is 30 years old and is a mother to a two-year-old daughter. So we are here to see how she stayed motivated and what she did to lose weight. So let’s begin with our Sara Rue weight loss journey.
Sara Rue – Before And After

Let’s admit it: Sara was overweight before. According to sources, there was a time when Sara was frustrated with her weight and decided enough was enough. She, however, encourages people to love the way they look.
Sara Rue just wants people to be aware of the problems associated with obesity. She has been a spokesperson for Jenny Craig and heads a weight-loss campaign. She feels that the majority of women in the world are overweight, and they start gaining those extra pounds just after they leave their teens.
Sara thinks it is a grave issue that needs to be addressed. Although there have been several stages in her weight loss journey, she is proud that she has achieved her goals.
The actor says that losing weight is a complicated thing, and it also involves emotional stress as well. But for her as an actor, there were certain prospects that were not fit for her simply because she was overweight.
The actor has lost 50 pounds since December 2009. She says that she wanted to feel physically and mentally fit, just to feel healthy, and that’s exactly what made her lose weight even after hitting 30.
The actor says she has been aware of her eating habits. She has reduced her portion size and also engages in regular exercise to burn those extra calories. The actor feels there is no single component that can alone benefit you in losing weight. A healthy lifestyle, along with a balanced diet and exercise, is going to get you there. Sara now fits in a US size 6 instead of 14.
How Sara Lost All the Weight?
Sara believes it all starts in the mind. It begins as an emotional process and is immensely complicated. When she hit 30, she had a picture of herself imagining how she would want to see herself in 5-10 years. That’s when she decided it was time.
She believes her weight loss was an internal wish, and therefore, she does not feel any need to sensationalize it. She wanted to feel healthy and wanted to be comfortable in her own skin. Sara encourages everyone to love their body as it is but also warns them about the risks of being overweight. She says being obese can cause health problems, diabetes, and also an increase in blood pressure. She says that losing weight does not mean being skinny or trying to impersonate a Victoria’s Secret model. It just means being healthy and comfortable.
Sara says the really important step in her weight loss journey was cutting down on her portion size. She became more conscious of eating. Earlier, she was a foodie and never really paid attention to what she was putting into her system. But now it has changed.
Sara not only watches what she stuffs her mouth with but has also reduced her portion size. She made healthier choices and maintained a balanced diet. Sara did not quit on any foods as such but mostly tried to stick to a plant-based diet.
She also says that there is no magic button for celebrities to lose and gain weight whenever they want. They all have to work really hard for it. Keeping all these circumstances in mind, that is exactly what she did. She tried to be a role model for her daughter, and she is proud of where she is today.
How Much Weight Did She Lose?
Sara Rue’s weight loss journey was not easy. She had to stay immensely motivated and consistent to achieve results. She set daily goals for herself and watched what she ate.
Ever since she was on her weight loss journey, she has been able to lose 50 pounds. She used to fit in US size 14 and now has made herself fit into US size 6.
Did Sara Rue Have a Gastric Bypass?
Before we dive into how exactly Sara Rue lost weight, let us first see what gastric bypass is.
Gastric bypass is a medical procedure that changes the formation of your small intestines, thereby enabling you to lose weight. It meddles with your stomach and the way it handles food.
This surgery generally reduces the size of your stomach, enabling you to feel fuller with less food. It is a full-fledged medical procedure that involves anesthesia, surgeons, and even medical appliances. In this, the surgeon divides your stomach into two, reducing the size to about a walnut. This is what will hold your food after the surgery.
So, seeing this scary procedure, if you think Sara Rue went through this to lose weight. The answer is NO! She did it the natural way, which involved a healthy diet and lots of exercise.
6 Weight Loss Tips Of Sara Rue
Sara Rue shed 50 pounds by following a healthy and strict lifestyle. This helped her lose those extra pounds and look fit without looking like a zombie. She did not, however, have a diet plan and did not gain any weight whatsoever.
Sara Rue’s weight loss journey inspired many to get motivated and lose those extra pounds. Here are six easy tips from Sara Rue herself, which everyone can follow to maintain a good and healthy body.
#1 Watch What You Eat
Sara believes in keeping track of what she eats rather than following a strict diet. She feels that eating without thinking leads to weight gain rather than the diet itself. She decided to cut down on junk food and also reduced her portion size.
Keeping track of what you eat throughout the day and maintaining a healthy and plant-based diet is what will help you eliminate all the junk from your diet. This is what kept Sara healthy and fit.
#2 Include Plants And Leafy Vegetables In Your Diet
Cutting up meat altogether from your life might be difficult. And this elimination might not work for everyone. However, Sara saw visible results by turning into a vegetarian.
She believes that lean meat is an excellent source of protein, but this adds to your body’s fat. Lean meat also enables you to add that extra muscle.
Sara, however, was not interested in gaining muscles. She was just sure about losing all those extra pounds. This is why turning vegetarian and making some healthy food choices worked perfectly fine for her.
#3 Ask A Professional Whenever In Doubt
There is nothing like I know it all. Every person has a different body type with its own measurements and requirements. So asking a professional for help is always the right choice. Sara believes that weight loss cannot be done by focusing on one factor alone.
Only a good diet can not help you lose weight. This is why she took professional help and she has a yoga trainer to help her. Professionals can study your body and they can advise the best for you. They also tell you the most effective weight loss plan.
Seeking professional help will enable you to strategically lose weight in a short amount of time rather than following some crazy diet plan.
#4 Stay Motivated All The Time
Losing weight is not an overnight process. It takes lots of hard work and dedication. There are many people who just give up when they fail to see results in their expected amount of time. Sara, however, advises not to do this.
She says people who start a weight loss journey make mistakes. It is quite natural. They might be bored with their diets and take cheat days too often. But that is all fine. It is better to skip and come back again rather than quit altogether.
Sara Rue’s weight loss journey did not happen initially. She says despite being a celebrity, it took the same amount of time that it usually does. She says that the transformation happens slowly, but it is definitely worth it.
#5 Create Small Milestones
Sara Rue’s weight loss journey inspires people to keep their goals smaller. There is no need to stress yourself out by making long term goals. You cannot expect your body to lose 10 pounds in just a week. If you are dealing with stress, anxiety, overeating, or undereating, seeing a therapist is one great way to get back to a healthier you. Click here to see a therapist that fits your individual needs.
There is no magical way of doing that. Instead, start slow. Give your body time to adjust to the new processes and new diets. Start with daily goals and then gradually move to weekly and monthly. These short term goals will definitely give you long-term effects.
#6 Always Exercise
As said before, just a proper diet cannot help you lose weight. It will not give you the desired shape. You need to exercise really hard to be where you want to see yourself. Yoga, cardio or even running and jogging can help you in your weight loss journey.
In this case, again, it is best to get professional help because they will very well understand your body’s requirements and will be able to give you an effective exercise plan. If you are looking for a quick, non-surgical way to shade excess fat, you can go for CoolSculpting. Being an expensive treatment, the cost varies between $2000 and $5000 for each session and also depends on the area where it is treated.
What Sara Wants You To Know About Weight Loss
Sara wants us to know that losing weight is not an overnight process. There is no magical potion that can aid in losing all those extra pounds in just a day. She says that most people think that celebrities have easy access to tools and materials that can enable them to gain and lose weight at their convenience. This, however, is not true.
She says that even celebs have to work really hard like all other normal people to lose weight. It is all your hard work, dedication, control, and motivation that is going to help you in the long run as our Sara.
The Takeaway
You might have seen and heard many weight loss journeys, but Sara Rue’s is the most genuine one. Sara Rue herself has been through this phase, and that is why she understands the situation. These tips will definitely help all those who really want to get back in shape.