14 Best Sponsored Post Networks You Should Join

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If you are wondering how to get sponsored posts for your blog or website, this article is for you.

Sponsored posts or sponsored content is a new way of advertising and promoting even though they have been around for a while, and they are gaining more popularity now.

These paid posts don’t just pop up whenever you open a new site; they don’t look sales-y and are a fantastic way to spread your network as a blogger!

sponsored posts for bloggers

What is A Sponsored Post?

You can compare sponsored posts to native ads, but they contain a little less content than native ads. They are designed in a way that they look like the environment they are posted in. For example, if a sponsored post appears in a magazine, it is likely to be in an article form, and you won’t even know if you are reading a magazine article or a sponsored post.

Another good thing is that sponsored posts are fun to read, and that is one way to keep the readers engaged without them knowing what they are reading is a sponsored post and not an article. You won’t find languages used in ads like, “sale! Sale! sale!”

On the internet, these paid posts appear between a blog post and an advertisement. The sponsored posts have more information than a traditional ad because they come directly from an influencer, publication, or blog. Many brands look for sponsored posting on blogs that they relate to and reach out if they find it their perfect fit.

There are two ways to sponsor your post; either you could accept paid posts on your blog sites or work with influencers to sponsor your post on their sites.

Blog Niches That Do Well in Sponsored Posts

Various niches can turn out to be more profitable for your blog. Here are some of the niches that help you attract more readers:

  • Food Blogs: Food blogs or recipe blogs are the most searched and popular blog niches, and we can all agree to that since when we try out our cooking skills, searching for the recipe and these blogs provide us with just that.
  • Personal Finance: These blogs provide tips to save money and manage your budget, and who does not want to save money? These niches are trendy.
  • Health Blogs: Being health conscious is a trend these days, and everyone wants to be healthy, so if you run a blog where you post workout sessions or diet plans, your blog will reach many readers.
  • Beauty and Fashion Blogs: These niches are quite popular. You know you can always rely on such blogs for getting some college outfit tips or ways to improve your skin or hair and even the best product recommendations.

List of Sites that Offer Sponsored Posts for Bloggers

If you are looking for sites that can help you sell sponsored posts or with whom you could work, here are some sites that could help you get in contact.

1. Linqia

Website: app.linqia.com

Linqia was set up in the year 2012 and works as an influencer marketing company.

Linqia is one of the leading companies that look for quality content and provide a platform for such content to get promoted.

It delivers ROI to its customers and serves as a platform to spread the content to a large number of media channels, building an extensive network for bloggers.

2. Acorn

Website: acorninfluence.com

Acorn is another site leading in sponsored blog post opportunities and is another option where you can find support for increasing your network.

It works closely with brands and influencers and provides a platform where it delivers that brand and influencer’s message in a way that attracts consumers.

3. Adsy

Bloggers who like to be honest and disclose sponsorships to their visitors will love this platform. Adsy brings together exceptional publishers and buyers to help them reach new levels of business success. Both buyers and publishers will benefit from it.

Get paid for placing content on your site to improve your rankings & grow your brand. Register now and get a welcome $10 bonus on your account here.

4. Blog Meets Brand

Website: www.blogmeetsbrand.com

As the name suggests, this site helps match the brands with influencer bloggers, building a vast network and promoting the brand and the blog.


Website: izea.com/influencers-creators

It was founded in 2006 and has been around since then, providing a platform where you can find influential content creators for your brand to reach a wider population network.

They have around 110 members working for them in North America, including 40 persons in the engineering section and 70 in the client service section, which gives constant platform innovation with superior service.

6. ValuedVoice

Website: app.valuedvoice.com

It is an amazing option for sponsored posts and a great way to earn. If you have an active blog with quality content, ValuedVoice is a site you can work with.

If you have an active social media account, this site will help you make more money and spread it to a broader population range.

You can also refer to people on this site, which will help you earn extra money. You can help a friend get their blog approved by this site, and, in return, you could make an extra $5. Click here to get started with ValuedVoice.

7. Real Clever

Website: www.realclever.com

Clever for founded in 2009 and has worked for over a decade in this field. It has managed to deliver many influencers to respected and popular brands.

Real Clever has creative strategies, customized programs, and targeted influencers, which help you build a wider network. They have a 90% client return rate, so you know how popular this site is, and you can start working with them without worrying about how far your post will reach.

8. TapInfluence

Website: www.tapinfluence.com/influencers

Tapinfluence gives brands a platform that allows them to find influencers, track campaigns, and pay the creators. This site provides the brands with a tool to manage campaigns to reach a bigger population.

Tapinfluence works in two different areas:

  • Influencers: It helps provide influencers with a platform where they can be found by brands so that they can work with them.
  • Brands and Agencies: Similar to providing a platform for influencers, this site offers a platform for brands and agencies to find an influencer and reach a larger population.

9. AspireIQ

Website: app.aspireiq.com/creators/signup

AspireIQ is a platform that provides influencers to brands so that they can campaign and reach a large population. AspireIQ has been changing and molding itself, making it better every year.

It works on the ‘Influence 2.0’ approach and ensures long-term work relations. With such a site that keeps improving itself, it is a great option to go for when you want to sponsor your post or work with them as an influencer to find out brands to work with, and it is a trusted site.

10. Bloggin’ Mamas

Website: blogginmamas.com/profile/register

Bloggin’ Mamas is a site that promotes mothers. Yes, moms, just like the name suggests. It was founded in 2010, and it is one of the most popular moms and one of the first mom blogger networks.

It offers deals with brands, local community events, and support groups. They provide training, mentoring, and resources to help their members (moms) learn social media marketing skills.

11. She Media

Website: www.shemedia.com/partner-network/earn

This site has various sites with their own networks, so you work with one of them posting the ads that the main one posts, which gives you access to popular brands and advertisement partners.

She Media is one of those few sites that have earned Google Certified Publishing Partner status. It attracts over 500 companies as it has a brand-safe environment. They offer different ways to monetize your blogs, such as ads, sponsored blog post opportunities, and affiliate marketing.

This site works solely for women and promotes blogs run by women as well as women content creators.

They have various categories in which they work, ranging from entertainment to food content, working with several popular brands.

They are a creator of  #Femvertising awards, which promote pro-female brands and agencies.

12. BlogDash

Website: blogdash.com

This is another website that helps brands and agencies connect with different influencers to reach a large audience. It provides DIY tools for managing campaigns.

13. Intellifluence

Website: app.intellifluence.com

Intellifluence is a popular site where influencers – both micro and bloggers can fetch gigs and get paid to do reviews.

All you need to do is create a profile and add your blog or channels along with the rates. You can also fill in specific details to help brands connect with you.

Once you’re signed up with them, you’ll get multiple opportunities to work with brands – paid and unpaid, whichever you prefer!

Click here to sign up on Intellifluence.

14. SeedingUp

Website: seedingup.com

Another website that not only offers sponsored posts for bloggers but also offers online marketing services. The platform connects influencers and publishers with companies that sponsor bloggers in various industries and languages worldwide, making it great for monetizing your blog, website, and social media profiles.

SeedingUp’s payment system works differently – you receive 1/12 of the amount after each month, and after 12 months, you get the rest of the payment altogether. However, you get to withdraw your earnings from the first month itself. Regardless, the platform is excellent for regular sponsored blog post opportunities.

Click here to sign up on SeedingUp.

Types of Sponsored Posts for Bloggers

After knowing what sites to go to when you want to sponsor your blogs and the niches that help gain more attention, it is normal to think about the kinds of sponsored blogs.

Here is a list that will help you learn more about the different types of sponsored posts:

Content Hub

This is for selling different products as it offers eye-catching images of the products, which attract the audience. It was first made for a sneakers company where they posted delightful photos of the sneakers to keep the audience engaged. It also provides different links and showcases a product that a traditional advertisement can not do.


Listicles are more fun to read and are more popular among readers. They look more attractive than a journal, and they carry on-point information. Even though the information is to the point, it provides every detail that you need to know.


You must be well aware of this one. Whenever we view a YouTube video, we come across videos that are basically an advertisement. Still, we somehow get hooked watching them as they seem pleasing to our eyes and provide a lot of information. Sometimes, the content could inspire us, so we end up learning more about the ad.


The ones we are talking about here, sponsored articles, can be found on blog posts or magazines, and they are written in a way that you wouldn’t know if you are reading a sponsored article, a blog post or a magazine article.

Sponsored Post Guidelines You Must Follow

The rules of the virtual road for sponsored posts are mainly guided by two bodies: the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), especially for those in the US, and the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB). They provide the legal foundation for sponsored content.

The FTC is clear about transparency. You need to be open and honest with your audience. You have to disclose if you’re getting paid to promote a product or service.

The IAB, on the other hand, focuses on following best practices. This includes transparency, content quality, privacy, and data protection. It’s simple: bloggers have to follow certain standards, and understanding the guidelines will help you stay on the right track.

  • Make sure you’re not randomly promoting anything. Be sure that the brand is authentic. By doing so, you will be able to avoid potential legal issues while maintaining your audience’s trust.
  • The posts should be clearly and conspicuously disclosed.
  • Forms of media should match.
  • Every media should have a disclosure.
  • Your support links shouldn’t be distracting to your main disclosure.
  • Hyperlinks may be acceptable, but they should only be used when your disclosure can not be shown appropriately.
  • Size, colors, and graphics matter.
  • The disclosure should be as close as possible to be more effective.

How to reach out to brands for sponsored opportunities?

  1. Make sure your blog is as irresistible as a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies. That means killer content, engaging visuals, and a sprinkle of personality.
  2. Put on your detective hat and start sleuthing for brands that align with your vibe. Slide into their DMs, shoot them an email, or even send a carrier pigeon if you have to (okay, maybe not the pigeon).
  3. When you reach out, channel your inner smooth talker and let the brand know why you two would be a match made in heaven. Show off your blog stats like a proud parent showing baby pictures.
  4. Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate. Know your worth, and don’t settle for crumbs when you deserve the whole darn cake.

The Roman Empire wasn’t built overnight, and neither is a blogging empire. When you stay true to your voice, sponsored posts will start rolling in like clockwork.

How Much Do Sponsors Pay Bloggers?

This depends mainly on the quality of content that the blog holds and the amount of audience it reaches. It also depends on the number of blogs you have written. It pays $100 at the minimum and can reach up to more than that.

How do sponsored posts make money?

It’s as easy as you would think: sponsored posts earn money when they work with a brand, and the brand, in turn, gives them money to help them manage their content.

How can new bloggers use sponsored posts for success?

How can you, as a budding blogger, make sponsored posts work for you? It’s simpler than you think. The key is to offer brands something unique – your fresh, authentic voice and a dedicated, engaged audience.

  • Create meaningful content that naturally incorporates the brand’s message. Your audience needs to relate to it. In the blogosphere, authenticity rules.
  • Use sponsored posts to expand your audience reach. Join forces with brands that fit your blog’s ethos and audience. It’ll boost your blog’s visibility but also build your reputation with your readers and sponsors.
  • Always stay true to yourself. A sponsored post should feel like a natural extension of your regular content, not an alien insert.

What if I’m not accepted to a sponsored post network?

Some networks have minimum criteria for the blogs they accept, such as good traffic (for example, above 10,000 views a month), high domain authority, and the country your blog targets. Sometimes, your blog doesn’t meet its guidelines.

If you are not accepted, try leveling up your blog by creating high-quality blog posts, solving the readers’ problems, and, most importantly, getting traffic.

Once you think your blog has valuable content that helps readers and enough traffic, you can re-apply.

Bottom line

Sponsored blog posts are an excellent way for bloggers to earn money. All you have to do is build a great, authentic blog with your unique voice, reach out to brands with your expertise, and start working with them.

3 thoughts on “14 Best Sponsored Post Networks You Should Join”

  1. What a great resource for bloggers. Being in a sponsor group is so important as connections are key.

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