11 Sponsored Blog Post Networks for Every Blogger

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With blogging, many of us have turned our passion into an income stream.

Sponsorships offer a way to get paid for your passion. You can create content you love, work with brands you admire, and share your unique voice with your audience – all while earning an income.

By 2028, the global influencer marketing market is predicted to reach $84.88 billion. The earning potential of publishing sponsored posts is undeniable—whether you want to cover hosting costs or fund your next vacation.

If you’re wondering ​​how to get paid sponsorships for your blog, let us introduce you to top sponsored blog post websites and networks that accept and cater to most blogging niches.

Top Sponsored Post Platforms for Bloggers

sponsored posts for bloggers


Website: app.linqia.com

Founded in 2012, Linqia isn’t your typical influencer platform.

Linqia manages influencer marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 brands, from finding the right influencers to crafting creative strategies. Linqia helps brands make campaigns feel authentic and human. The brand believes in building long-lasting relationships with brands and creators and bringing them together for impactful campaigns.

Ideal for: established creators seeking meaningful partnerships

Pros: premium brands, trusted by more Fortune 500 brands than anyone else in the influencer marketing space, various campaign types

Cons: selective acceptance, niche-specific


Website: adsy.com

Bloggers who want to be honest and upfront about sponsorships will love Adsy. It’s a platform where you decide what your sponsored posts are worth. Brands come to Adsy looking for high-quality content and backlinks while you decide which opportunities fit your blog.

Blogs get paid fairly, and brands get quality content. Adsy keeps things simple and transparent so you can focus on creating remarkable content for your audience.

Ideal for: digital creators from diverse niches

Pros: gives you control over pricing, user-friendly platform, offers opportunities for backlinks

Cons: high competition

Click here to sign up on Adsy

Blog Meets Brand

Website: www.blogmeetsbrand.com

It’s a platform about cultivating genuine connections and collaborations, making it a great spot for established and up-and-coming influencers.

Blog Meets Brand offers a wide array of sponsored blog posts and social media opportunities to show off your skills and partner with brands that align with your audience. It has something for everyone.

Ideal for: bloggers who want to work across a wide range of niches

Pros: user-friendly interface, a variety of campaigns, open to publishers of all levels

Cons: can be competitive

Get Blogged

Website: app.getblogged.net

Get Blogged isn’t just another platform; it’s a team of creatives, strategists, and, yes, even a few veterans who happen to be bloggers and site owners themselves. They use your website’s Domain Authority (DA) as a factor for deciding fair compensation.

The platform makes it easier for everyone to join forces: publishers, influencers, brands, and site owners.

Ideal for: those who value fair compensation and desire a supportive blogging community

Pros: lets you pitch your own price, a variety of campaign options

Cons: may attract lower-paying campaigns

Click here to sign up on Get Blogged


Website: izea.com/influencers-creators

In 2006, IZEA founded the first technology platform that pays bloggers to write and publish for brands. The platform connects brands with influencers to reach a wider audience, and collaborations are top-tier and well-paid.

Ideal for: seasoned digital creators

Pros: massive network with lots of opportunities, an established platform with a good reputation

Cons: can be competitive, has higher requirements for influencer acceptance


Website: app.valuedvoice.com

ValuedVoice believes every creator deserves to be noticed and rewarded for their hard work. The platform makes things fair and straightforward for everyone.

Creators monetize their audience and show off their value, while brands find the ideal influencers to make their campaigns successful.

They’re not just talking—ValuedVoice has already paid over $5 million to creators, proving its commitment to fair compensation.

Click here to get started with ValuedVoice

Ideal for: those who prefer publishing pre-written posts

Pros: user-friendly platform, straightforward campaign process, good for sponsored guest post opportunities

Cons: a limited number of campaigns


Website: app.intellifluence.com

It’s a popular site where bloggers and social media influencers can get gigs. Simply create a profile and add your blog or social media channels along with your rates. Fill in specific details to help brands reach out with offers and pitches. Once you join, you’ll have multiple opportunities (free products, services, or cash in exchange for reviews or promotions) to work with brands.

While waiting for direct pitches, you can actively browse the Marketplace, where you’ll find quite a few paid opportunities.

You can apply directly or request more info from brands, and once approved, the collaboration begins.

Click here to sign up on Intellifluence

Ideal for: all kinds of bloggers and social media influencers

Pros: simple application process, a marketplace where you can apply to all types of gigs

Cons: may have specific requirements for campaign acceptance

CLKS Digital (formerly Real Clever)

Website: clksdigital.com/for-creators

Pronounced Clicks Digital, the network guarantees high-quality and long-term collaboration between brands and creators, benefiting both sides.

The CLKS Digital platform is open to creators of all sizes. Upon joining, you’ll receive invitations to exciting paid brand campaigns.

Besides showcasing your creativity, you’ll get paid well.

Ideal for: influencers who value high-caliber campaigns and seek long-term brand partnerships

Pros: focus on quality content, meaningful collaborations

Cons: stricter requirements for influencer acceptance


Website: seedingup.com

Another website that not only offers paid blog posts for bloggers but also offers online marketing services.

The platform connects publishers with companies that sponsor them in various industries and languages worldwide. Brands collaborate via blog posts, product reviews, and video posts.

SeedingUp’s payment system works differently—you receive 1/12th of your earnings each month for the first 12 months, with the remaining balance paid out at the end of the year. However, you can withdraw your earnings from the first month itself.

Click here to sign up on SeedingUp

Ideal for: bloggers of every niche

Pros: direct communication between digital creators and brands

Cons: Payments are made in installments


Website: www.aspire.io/influencers

Brands use Aspire’s influencer network to reach a large audience. Each year, Aspire changes and refines itself, becoming better.

Based on ‘Influence 2.0’, it assures long-term collaborations with bloggers. They have 1000+ active campaigns, plus they don’t take commissions. Being an ever-evolving platform, it’s a great option if you want to receive good-quality blog sponsorships.

Ideal for: top-level content creators

Pros: gives you creative control, prioritizes influencer relationships

Cons: Stricter acceptance criteria for creators

She Media

Website: www.shemedia.com

Women publishers, here’s one for you.

Run by women, content and community are at the heart of SHE Media.

Through Meaningful Marketplaces, SHE Media enables advertisers to buy media at scale from women—and minority-owned publishers, ensuring independent media thrives. Through blogs, videos, social content, and events, creators can collaborate.

Ideal for: diverse-owned publishers, social influencers, thought leaders and celebrities

Pros: Beyond ad management, the platform offers resources to help bloggers grow, encourages a sense of community, organizes events, and allows networking opportunities

Cons: stiff competition for opportunities, not all brands are willing to pay for every type of content, little control over campaigns

get sponsored posts for bloggers

Choosing the Right Sponsored Post Platform

Make sure it fits your niche

Pick a platform that caters to your blog’s specific niche. For example, a beauty blogger won’t find success on a platform focused on tech products.

Also, factor in the brand’s target audience. The closer their demographics and interests align with your readership, the more effective your partnership will be.

Look for credibility

Before you sign up and commit to a platform, look for reviews and testimonials from other bloggers. Check what kind of brands they work with and see if they have clear guidelines and communication channels.

Understand their payout terms (most important)

  • Payout thresholds: how much do you need to earn to receive your payout?
  • Payment methods: do they offer options that suit you (PayPal, Payoneer, direct deposit, etc.)?
  • Payment timeframes: how long does it take to receive payment after completing a campaign?

Make sure the user experience’s good

The platform should be intuitive and easy to navigate. How easy is it to find, apply for, and manage campaigns? Communicating with brands should also be easy on the platform.

Look beyond the basics

Some platforms give you analytics, content optimization, or exclusives. Support should be a few clicks away and quick if stuck with something. An ideal platform should offer the creator not just the right gigs but also resources to thrive as a blogger.

Types of Sponsored Content

  • Blog posts: product reviews, tutorials and how-tos, listicles, and roundups
  • Social media posts: Image posts, video posts, carousel posts, stories, live streams and reels
  • Podcasts: these can feature sponsored episodes, interviews with brand representatives, or a discussion on a relevant topic
  • Email newsletters: they can include sponsored sections, product features, or exclusive discounts for your subscribers.

Sponsored Post Guidelines You Must Know

Generally, brand collaborations for bloggers are governed by two bodies: the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), especially for those in the US, and the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB). Both provide legal guidance on sponsored content.

The FTC prioritizes transparency. Your audience deserves honesty. Disclose any paid promotions clearly.

The IAB, on the other hand, focuses on following the industry’s best practices for publishers and advertisers. These include transparency, content quality, privacy, and data protection. It’s simple: bloggers must follow specific standards, so understanding them will help keep you on the right track.

  • Don’t randomly promote anything. Verify the brand’s authenticity. This way, you’ll avoid legal issues and maintain the trust of your audience.
  • Content should be clearly labeled as “sponsored,” “promoted,” “paid partnership” or “advertisement.”
  • Transparency is key. Maintain trust with your audience by clearly representing sponsored posts and following FTC guidelines. Provide honest feedback about the product or service, even if there are any limitations.
  • The disclosure should be easily noticeable, clear, and conspicuous.
  • Select partnerships that fit your audience’s interests. Plus, it must offer value to the readers.
  • Integrate sponsored content seamlessly into your usual style without altering your writing voice.
  • Refrain from using overly aggressive promotional tactics that might repel your audience.
  • Deliver high-quality, engaging content. Sprinkle it with compelling images and videos that reinforce the sponsored message and attract attention. Share personal anecdotes wherever you can convey a relatable explanation of the product’s value. Towards the end, include a call to action so your readers can follow up by visiting the website or purchasing.
  • Only include images, text, or other content you own or have permission to use. Using copyrighted material without permission can result in legal action.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the typical payment rates for sponsored blog posts?

This is largely determined by the content’s quality and the audience’s size. On average, bloggers may earn anywhere from $50 to several hundred dollars per post. As your influence grows, you can negotiate higher fees.

How can I negotiate effectively with brands?

Getting fair pay requires you to understand your value and market trends.

  • Research industry rates: Know what other bloggers in similar niches charge. Showcase your rates in a media kit along with examples of sponsored blog posts you’ll be creating.
  • Be confident: Clearly explain why compensation should align with experience and audience reach.
  • Be flexible: While holding a firm stance, remain open to alternative compensation options like product trade, affiliate marketing or commission-based payments.

How can new bloggers use sponsored posts for success?

Have you started your blog and are interested in getting sponsored campaigns? Offer brands something unique – your fresh, authentic voice and a dedicated, engaged audience.

  • Create meaningful content naturally incorporating the brand’s message. Your audience needs to relate to it. In the blogosphere, authenticity rules.
  • Expand your audience reach. Reach out to brands that fit your blog’s ethos and audience. It’ll boost your blog’s visibility and build your reputation with your readers and sponsors.
  • Always stay true to yourself. A sponsored post should feel like a natural extension of your regular content, not an alien insert.

What if I’m not accepted to a sponsored post network?

If it has happened to you, don’t be discouraged. Some networks have minimum criteria for the blogs they accept, such as good traffic (for example, above 10,000 views a month), high domain authority, and the country your blog targets. Sometimes, your blog doesn’t meet its guidelines.

If you are not accepted, try leveling up your blog by creating high-quality blog posts, solving the readers’ problems, and, most importantly, getting traffic.

Along with high traffic, a higher DA generally increases your chances of acceptance. Work on getting your posts naturally published on high-authority websites with a link back to your blog. This will increase DA and boost your blog’s authority.

Some networks focus on specific niches or geographic regions, especially the US, UK, and Canada, so make sure your blog aligns with its target audience. Write helpful content that those targeted geographic regions are searching for.

Once you think your blog has valuable content that helps readers and enough traffic, feel free to re-apply.

The takeaway

Sponsored blog posts are an excellent way for bloggers to earn money. All you have to do is build a great, authentic blog with your unique voice, reach out to brands with your expertise, and start working with them.

Take the time to research the platforms mentioned in this post and sign up for the one that aligns with your blog’s niche and audience.

With dedication, creativity, and a focus on quality, you can unlock the potential of making money with sponsored posts.

And finally, success with sponsored posts requires patience and persistence. Network actively, build relationships, and hone your pitch. The more you engage, the sooner you’ll secure sponsorships and begin making money.

3 thoughts on “11 Sponsored Blog Post Networks for Every Blogger”

  1. What a great resource for bloggers. Being in a sponsor group is so important as connections are key.

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