9 Pro Tips to Know Which Beauty Products to Trust

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Choosing the best beauty products isn’t getting any easier or less expensive. Some of today’s beauty products are more effective than ever before, but there are also more products being made that simply give a placebo effect at best. How do you know which beauty products are worth the investment and which ones are virtually worthless? Here are 9 tips to help you choose which beauty products to trust!

9 Pro Tips to Know Which Beauty Products to Trust

Look for Beauty Product Testing Results

On the packing of some products you may notice things like “89% effective after the first use” or “91% of women saw improvements in the first week.” Those marketing claims are enticing since they’re one clear way to determine efficacy.

Third-party beauty product testers work with consumers to gauge how well an item works and whether it lives up to the claims. They carefully examine the users before, during and after product use to either backup or debunk what the company says the product can do.

Read Consumer and Expert Product Reviews

Of course, consumers are real-world guinea pigs once a product makes it onto shelves. Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to join the word of mouth conversations about a product.

Social media influencers are a great resource for finding fantastic beauty products that they’ve tested on themselves. Expert reviews from beauty magazines and blogs are another way to find beauty products that live up to the hype.

See if the Product or Company has Won Awards

Products that have won industry and consumer awards are typically a safe bet. These products have stood up to other products and been found to be among the best. However, keep in mind where the award came from and how the winner was determined.

Read the Ingredients List

Always read the ingredient list. This is the real litmus test for effectiveness. Products that utilize proven ingredients are more likely to deliver results. For instance, tea tree oil is known to calm irritated and acne-prone skin. Retinol is another proven ingredient that’s known to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.

It’s also just as important to see what isn’t included in a beauty product. Because of health concerns, many people choose not to use products that contain sulfates, parabens, dyes, fragrances, and phthalates.

Check with the Better Business Bureau

Most companies have registered with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), an organization that processes consumer complaints and doles out grades. Companies with an A or A+ have been in business at least a few years with next to no complaints. This might not tell you if an exact product works, but it does hint at the quality of products a company makes.

Ask Friends what they Use

Do you have a friend or two with great skin or makeup that always looks flawless? Then ask them for advice. Most people are more than happy to share their beauty secrets since it’s flattering. Just make sure to factor in skin and coloration differences when you’re choosing products.

Use a Personalized Beauty Product Matching Tool

With big data and AI technology being used for everything these days, so it’s no surprise tech companies have figured out a way to use algorithms and machine learning to match users with their ideal beauty products. These beauty product matching tools promise to help consumers compare prices and provide personalized recommendations.

Get Trial Sizes

Instead of taking a leap of faith with a full-size product, opt for the trial size version if one’s available. The price per ounce may be higher, but the lower upfront cost is better when you’re test running a new beauty product.

Join a Sampler Service

Trial size products and samples are the basis of business for companies like Birch Box. Members can sign up for monthly service and receive a box full of sample-sized products each month. You can customize the box by choosing what type of beauty products you’re most interested in.

Another benefit of joining a sampler service is bonus discounts. In your monthly packages and throughout the year sampler companies will offer nice price reductions on full-size versions of the items you try.

The beauty industry is a $445+ billion global powerhouse that shows no signs of slowing down. Doing a little bit of research before making a beauty product purchase can help you save time and money.

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